M&A Advisory

Sell-side M&A 

& Succession



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The way to the successful sale of your

company & the company succession:

Regardless of the initial situation, the decision to initiate the sale of a company or to look for a successor is always serious and existential from the seller's point of view. In all constellations, it is a matter of realizing values in the best possible way, as a result of years of entrepreneurial development. Accordingly, the decision to sell should be carefully considered, and the corresponding process subsequently prepared and executed. This applies to the "technical" preparation of a company sale or succession, such as the preparation of business scenarios, as well as to the preparation for the dialog with potential buyers.

In our experience, communicating with existing competitors, disclosing one's own business situation, and discussing options for selling a company is an emotional stress test for the selling entrepreneur. However, our experience also shows that such negotiations can be an exciting and positive experience for companies in every respect. It always depends on the successful preparation - we ensure this for you.


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The complete service around M&A.

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360°-view on the entire M&A process


Our goal is always to go beyond standard solutions and offer more. This starts with a solid and realistic company valuation, as a basis for the successful process of company sale or succession, the careful identification of suitable potential buyers, the elaboration of a target-oriented equity story relevant from the buyer's point of view, and the strategic build-up of competition among several interested parties to optimize the purchase price. We are ready to walk "the extra mile".

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Company succession, mergers, exits & strategic partnerships


Sell-side M&A and company succession know different variants: whether you are looking for a business succession for your own company, aiming for a merger or want to win strategic investors as well as partnerships for yourself - your experts at Saxenhammer see themselves as a partner for determining the best possible strategy.


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Direct access to foreign investors through global presence


Our national and international network of investors is evidenced by a large number of cross-border transactions. Without direct access to European, American and Asian investors, it is not possible to manage a successful investor process. We have access to the contacts at decision-making level.

The sell-side M&A process

We accompany you from the beginning through your company sale and succession. Professional marketing documents, which we prepare especially for your company sale / succession, are indispensable.


To this end, we conduct a detailed analysis of your operational status and current financing structures with a view to all options for a sale. We then discuss these with you in an open and transparent manner. We develop models of possible sales structures and derive forecasts of potential purchase price proceeds from them, with prior calculation of the company's value before the process begins. On this basis, we are at your side for the discussion of possible sale scenarios with current financing partners.

We structure the transaction process in a short time and identify potential obstacles at an early stage based on specific warning signals.



When preparing external sales documents and searching for investors, we first create a list of potential buyers ("long list"), which we then reduce in size and focus ("short list"). We then develop a sales exposé ("Information Memorandum") and short profile ("Teaser") as well as further process documents such as non-disclosure agreements ("NDAs") or process letters. We take over the entire project management during the sale of the company. In this way, you can continue to focus on the day-to-day operational business of your company while we take care of the processing of your company sale.

Thanks to many years of expertise, we are able to develop a convincing equity story for our clients, the heart of any investor process.



Based on the equity story, we discuss a financial commitment with potential investors and successors. Our job is to present interesting, credible strategic perspectives – which is at the same time a decisive factor for success.

As a strong negotiating partner, we specifically drive competitive bidding processes for the sale of your company.


Essential steps in the search for suitable buyers and successors are the approach with the prepared short profile ("teaser"), dispatch and negotiation of NDAs, preparation of a comprehensive company presentation ("info memo"), drafting and dispatch of a "process letter", preparation of management presentations, as well as the creation of the virtual data room. In all these steps, high speed and equally high precision are required at the same time.


Thorough due diligence is essential before the actual sale of the company and the entry of buyers / investors, in order to achieve positive negotiation results and avoid liability risks.


We effectively compile all the necessary documents and information for the preparation of the data room, sparing the company's operational resources as much as possible.

Our management of an investor process ensures the structured build-up of competition among several interested parties through targeted negotiation.


In this way, we create various options for the sellers and, in particular, ensure the best possible process outcome in the interests of the company and its shareholders. We continuously prepare and communicate the concretization, analysis and evaluation of the offers - the stakeholders thus have unrestricted transparency in the context of the company sale and succession.

At your side when it really counts.

Christian Saxenhammer
Managing Partner



In the area of Mergers & Acquisitions, our focus is on assisting with company acquisitions, company sales and company succession as well as special situations. There are various options such as share deals, asset deals, buy-outs, carve-outs, acquisitions with debt financing, mergers, joint ventures, spin-offs and squeeze-outs. Each type of transaction requires special knowledge and quick action. We have perfected the necessary expertise in over 300 successful transactions.


Mergers and acquisitions offer both numerous opportunities and risks. Our M&A advisors support medium-sized companies and entrepreneurs with professional M&A and corporate finance services. Through targeted advice and a differentiated strategy, we increase the chances of success of the M&A process and minimise risks.



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Corporate Finance


The field of corporate finance encompasses all aspects of corporate financing. This includes the planning and arrangement of financial resources (equity and debt). A central challenge here is to maintain the liquidity of the company and to secure capital for growth and expansion.


We offer comprehensive support in the area of corporate finance - from the discussion and development of an optimal financing strategy (incl. calculation of the enterprise value of companies) to the successful implementation in the context of a company acquisition, company sale and succession as well as a merger.


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SXH m and a beratung prozess finanzielle restrukturierung

Saxenhammer in numbers.


Over the years, we have assisted many medium-sized companies and entrepreneurs in various M&A matters and successfully helped them realize their goals. Convince yourself.

> 90 %

Success Rate

350 +

Closed Transactions

20 +

Years of Experience

> 20

bn. € Transaction Value

Your Industry.
Our Expertise.

Automotive industry

The German automotive industry is the most important industry in Germany and plays a crucial role in the country's prosperity and employment. However, it faces challenges such as the switch to sustainable drive technologies and digital transformation. This requires investments in electric vehicles, battery technologies, charging infrastructure and digital services. The industry must also adapt to changes that M&A opportunities, such as mergers and acquisitions, can bring.

Further Information

Chemical industry

The German chemical industry is an important economic sector that contributes to the strength of the country and secures over 500,000 jobs. It excels in innovation and international leadership by developing and producing a wide range of chemicals and products for various industries. The chemical industry influences the economy as a whole and contributes to Germany's foreign trade balance. Our global presence makes us the ideal partner for M&A transactions in the chemical industry.

Further Information

Consumer Goods and Trade

As the most important consumer market in Europe, Germany offers attractive opportunities for companies that have positioned themselves in the consumer goods and retail sector. Even if the individual market segments within the industry have their own specific characteristics and developments, ultimately each company’s success in this sector depends on the adaptation to consumer behaviour, which is precisely what has changed continuously and rapidly in recent years. Brick-and-mortar retailers must create attractive shopping experiences and integrate online retail concepts. Consumer goods manufacturers must focus on consumers' growing awareness of health, sustainability and social aspects. Companies that actively adapt and offer innovative solutions can benefit significantly from these changes and set themselves apart from the competition. M&A can be a useful means of driving innovation, generating or consolidating market share through buy-and-build concepts – and should be part of any active corporate strategy.

Further Information

Green Energy & Infrastructure

Infrastructure projects are usually very large, complex and capital-intensive projects and transactions involving the financing of new infrastructure projects (greenfield) or the purchase/sale or implementation of renewal/growth programmes for existing infrastructure facilities (brownfield). In addition, particularly in the case of new technologies, capital raising is used to realise the first expansion stage of a major project. 

Further Information

Healthcare and Life Sciences

Healthcare and life sciences are significant sectors in the German economy with high innovation and employment rates. They are divided into medical care, industrial healthcare and other sectors. Medical care includes hospitals, clinics, doctors' practices and care facilities. The industrial health care industry provides products and services to the health care industry. Other sectors include pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and medical devices. In total, the healthcare industry employs around 5.8 million people, which is equivalent to around 17% of the workforce in Germany.

Further Information

Industrial products and services

Industrials in Germany are an important economic factor and global leaders in various sectors such as mechanical engineering, the automotive industry, chemicals and pharmaceuticals. Industrial companies contribute significantly to gross value added and innovation. German SMEs play an important role in the manufacture of sophisticated products and intermediate products. These companies are internationally successful and contribute to exports. The industrial sector is also an active area for M&A transactions, where we have a track record of around 60 completed deals.

Further Information

Real Estate

The property and infrastructure market is one of the most important economic sectors in Germany and encompasses development, project planning, brokerage, management, trading and letting. In addition to its economic importance, the property market plays a central role for the state and the economy, particularly the residential market as an investment market and commercial property for companies. The expansion of infrastructure is crucial for economic development and location development.

Further Information

Technology (TMT and Software)

The German technology sector is playing an increasingly important role in the digital era. With annual sales of over EUR 280 billion and around 1 million jobs, it is a major driver of innovation. The sector includes areas such as IT, telecommunications, software development and digital services. Technology companies drive progress, efficiency, business models and digitization in many industries. Subsectors such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and cybersecurity are crucial for Germany's competitiveness. Our technology team supports start-ups and established companies in transactions such as fundraisings, acquisitions or exits.

Further Information
saxenhammer sektor branche automobil
SXH Sektor Branche Chemische Industrie
SXH Sektor Branche Konsumgüter Handel
green energy
SXH Sektor Branche Healthcare
SXH Sektor Branche Industrieproduktion
SXH Sektor Branche Immobilien 01
SXH Sektor Branche Technologie

About us

Your success is our passion.


Your partners at Saxenhammer are industry experts with diverse areas of expertise and many years of experience in all aspects of management consulting, company acquisitions, and company sales. What unites us all is our pursuit of excellence and a strong entrepreneurial spirit.


We are dealmakers - through and through. In that sense, we are always ready to excel. At the same time, it is particularly important for us to be anchored as entrepreneurs in dialogue with medium-sized businesses. That's where we feel at home.


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Smart solutions. Individual strategies.


  • Customized solutions for the promising acquisition of appropriate buyers and successors
  • Many years of experience in company valuation, company acquisition, company sale, company succession and special situations
  • State-of-the-art tools and data-driven approach for professional support of high-value corporate transactions
  • We take a systematic, creative and methodologically proven approach to supporting our clients and sellers
  • Our dedicated team puts success at the center of the process
  • 30 experts offer decades of experience in a wide range of sectors
Frequently asked questions
Mergers and acquisitions (takeovers and mergers) usually follow the same principle. As experienced M&A advisors for medium-sized companies, we address…

Mergers and acquisitions (takeovers and mergers) usually follow the same principle. As experienced M&A advisors for medium-sized companies, we address our clients' individual interests in advance in our analysis and advice, in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the sale, from the preparation, to the actual sales process, to the successful sale of the company.


With a professional advisor at your side, an M&A process of a medium-sized company can proceed as follows:


  • M&A strategy
  • Company valuation
  • Preparation of documents for company sale
  • Search for potential buyers
  • Letter of Intent (letter of intent between buyer and seller regarding the company's development)
  • Due diligence review (in-depth analysis of the buyer / the company in terms of tax, legal, economic and financial circumstances)
  • Negotiation and signing of the purchase agreement (signing and closing)
  • Post-merger integration (preparation and implementation of the corporate transaction after the sales process)
We understand that as an entrepreneur you may sooner or later be confronted with the issue of selling a company and want or need to find a suitable su…

We understand that as an entrepreneur you may sooner or later be confronted with the issue of selling a company and want or need to find a suitable successor. The decision to sell a company should be thought through and made consciously. Therefore, deal with the topic at an early stage so that you know exactly what to expect and how you can best prepare for a company sale. In the course of our business consulting on company acquisitions and sales, we have noticed how important it is that the chemistry between you as the seller and the buyers, your potential successors, is right. Therefore, if you approach Saxenhammer with your request regarding company succession, we appreciate your trust and treat the sale with the highest professionalism and discretion.


Our suggestion: The sale of a company should be accompanied by consultants who stand by your side with a lot of expertise, experience and above all entrepreneurial passion.


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